Why choose us?
Locals servicing locals
At Bremer Aerobic Services, we are a local business based in Callington, specialising in servicing and maintaining most brands of Aerobic Wastewater Treatment systems From the Adelaide Hills, Victor Harbor, the Murraylands and parts of the Barossa
We offer low cost parts and servicing with a high quality promise. With reliable servicing and after-hours emergency call-outs, we have you covered.
We Specialise in the following Brands;
and more....
If your system wasn't listed, contact us below as we may be able to help! (Sorry, we do not service Sep-Treat or Biolytix systems.)
Frequently asked questions can be found here
Alternatively, click "Let's Chat" or you can call us on 1300 BREMER.
Price List
Yearly Servicing
Put your system maintenance into auto-pilot, with an easy once a year payment for all four of your quarterly services and save $90 off our regular price. With online sign-up available it couldn't be easier, we will simply invoice you again after your fourth service.
Single Service
Prefer to do things one step at a time? Try a single post-paid service for $90. Call or message us today to arrange your next service.
from $130
Nobody likes when things go wrong, but just know that when they do, we're here to help. With a call-out fee of $130 for the first hour and very competitive parts pricing, we have you covered, whenever you need us.